Unique Avocado Snack Recipes

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What if I told you that with just the right ingredients, you could turn avocados into a healthy snack? Yes, that’s right. And we all love snacking don’t we? 

So read on, because I’ve covered everything from the basics of choosing the right avocado, the different ways to store it and along with it, a bunch avocado snack recipes!!

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Starting With the Basics

Rich, creamy and packed with a ton of health benefits, avocado has sure become one of the most popular healthy foods out there. What’s best is the fact that it is super versatile- it has a mild, fresh flavor and is easy to add to a lot of different food preparations- everything from smoothies and salads to different pasta dishes and sandwiches! 

But hey, let’s take a step beyond and actually make the most of this healthy food shall we? 

We have all been there when we cut up and avocado and don’t eat it fast enough, and it turns brown and gross! I am going to save you from that headache and you will get to eat every last bite of yummy avocado. 

Avocado Snack Recipes Collection Number One

This is your first bunch of yummy Avocado Snack Recipes!

Why Avocados?

There’s so much more to avocados than just being a guacamole ingredient. This creamy fruit is power-packed with a ton of nutrients, fiber and healthy fats. The health benefits of its consumption have also been backed by several studies and experts. 

While there are many different variants of this fruit, they all taste the same and have nearly the same nutritive value to offer. And if you’re still looking for a little push to get started onto including these in your meals, read on.

  • Avocados contain more potassium than bananas do, which makes them a great food to start your day with. 
  • They are loaded with healthy fats that improve heart health. Their consumption has been linked to reduced inflammation in the body and protection against a number of different forms of cancer. 
  • They are chock full of fiber, which can be great for those suffering from problems associated with the digestive system. Plus, they also help keep you full for a longer period of time, which can help with your attempts to lose weight. 
  • Studies have found that avocados can also lower blood cholesterol levels. 
  • They are also packed with antioxidants that boost brain health, protect the eyes and keep the heart healthy and functioning at its best. 
  • Some experts also believe that avocado extracts could be helpful for patients suffering from arthritis.

How About A Few More Avocado Snack Recipes?

Can I Freeze Avocados?

Okay, so you probably went grocery shopping and found a massive sale on avocados, and went a teeny bit overboard and got more than you’d like, but you’re now home, realizing what a big mistake it was, and that there’s no way it would all be eaten before they went bad. You find yourself trying to look online for a quick answer on how to make these savory fruits last longer. Well, look no further! Yes, you can freeze avocados, and I am going to tell you how. When frozen, an avocado will typically last three to six months.

Here are a few ways that you can freeze the avocados.

  • Peel, cut in half and slice the avocados. Remove the pit and toss it. Wrap tightly in a freezer bag and remove all excess air. Then you can lay flat and freeze.
  • Peel, cut and mash the avocado. Then put some freshly squeezed lemon juice on top and stir around. Just place in freezer bag and flatten.
  • You can freeze the entire avocado with skin on. However, it will be harder to remove the skin when you take it from the freezer.
  • Peel, cut, mash avocado, add lemon or lime juice and diced onions. This is a great way to keep the avocados from browning.

Ready For A Few More Avocado Recipes?

How To Pick Ripe Avocados?

The best and easiest way to pick a ripe avocado is to look at the coloring under the stem. Simply peel the stem off, and if it is a light golden or yellow color, you will know that the avocado is ripe and ready to eat. If the coloring is dark, then it is overripe, and you should skip that fruit. 

You can also go by the overall color of the avocado. They should be a green color, and if they have turned dark green or black, then they are past their prime. 

Also, you can give them a squeeze test. If you hold it in your hand and give it a slight squeeze, it should not feel too soft. If it is then you know, it is too ripe. On the other hand, if it is extremely firm, then it isn’t mature enough. Also, check the fruit for any damage or bruising. If you find any soft spots there is a chance it has been dropped and banged up. 

We're Not Done Yet With More Things Avocado!!

How to Ripen a Raw Avocado?

Unlike many other fruits, avocados actually don’t ripen when they’re on the tree, but rather after they have been harvested. If you’ve got your hands full with unripe avocados, and are looking to get them ripe and ready to cook with as soon as possible, here’s a little trick to speed up the process. 

Simply place the unripe avocados in a brown paper bag along with an apple or a banana and pack it properly. Keep it in a cool spot for 2-3 days and that’s it! 

And if you’re wondering if how this simple hack really works, well, here is how it does. Apples and bananas both produce an hormone known as ethylene, which helps trigger the process of ripening of fruit, and when you place the avocados beside them, and they are exposed to the hormone, they automatically start to ripen faster. 

Keep On Goin'!!

How To Store Avocados In The Refrigerator

If you don’t want to freeze your avocados and you will be eating it in the next 3-5 days, then you can refrigerate it. Just place the entire fruit in a plastic bag and place in the fridge. If you have already cut up your avocado and want to put it in the refrigerator, then you need to add some lemon or lime juice. The juice will help prevent the dark coloring that occurs. It is essential to place your cut or mashed avocado in an airtight container. Air is an avocados’ worst enemy!

The Last Few Avocado Snack Recipes to Try!

How Do You Cut Avocados?

There are several different methods of cutting up avocados. Depending on what you are using them for will affect how you want to cut them. Slice the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the pit. Then you can score the fruit, by cutting criss-cross lines then scooping it all out. Another option is to scoop the avocado out of the skin by using a spoon. Then you can cut it into tiny slices or mash it. You can also purchase this 6-in-1 Avocado slicer to save some time and energy!

Alright, my lovely reader!! I hope that I’ve convinced you to try a few different snacks with avocados!! So not only are they healthy, they’re incredibly versatile! Yaaay!! If you find a sale on them, STOCK UP and freeze them! 




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